How to Reset and Recover Password on Portal

NASIMS, the National Social Investment Management System, was established to ensure that national resources are effectively utilized to benefit every segment of the population, particularly those with fewer privileges.

One of the major components of NASIMS is the N-Power program, specifically designed to address youth unemployment issues. This program focuses on empowering individuals between the ages of 18 and 35, equipping them with skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the community.

The N-Power program is further categorized into plans for graduates and non-graduates, offering specific opportunities for different educational backgrounds.

N-Agro Program — This specific category is aimed at supporting individuals in the agricultural industry, particularly farmers. It emphasizes providing the right infrastructural and technological support to help farmers excel in their work.

Education Program — Volunteers engage with schools, playing roles akin to mentors or assistants. They contribute to enhancing students’ academic performance and fostering a positive learning environment.

In addition to the graduate programs, the N-Power initiative includes various non-graduate programs aimed at diverse economic sectors. Examples include:

  • N-Power Knowledge — This program reflects the government’s commitment to diversifying the economy by fostering knowledge-based skills among participants.
  • N-Power Build — This initiative is designed to provide training for youths, equipping them to become professional technicians, artisans, and more. The goal is to contribute to the development of a skilled and capable workforce.

For individuals interested in participating in any NASIMS program, obtaining a NASIMS ID is an important initial step. This unique identification number is acquired through the NASIMS portal after updating personal records. The NASIMS ID is a prerequisite for taking the NASIMS test, which is a mandatory component of the application process.

Applicants are required to take the NASIMS test as part of the program application. Achieving a high score in the test is crucial for continued consideration in the selection process. Failure to meet the specified score criteria may result in disqualification from the program.

How to reset and recover password on NASIMS portal

  1. Visit the NASIMS portal through the following link: NASIMS Portal.
  1. Once on the portal, locate and click on the ‘Forgot Password’ icon.
  1. Provide the email address associated with your NASIMS account.
  1. Click on the ‘Send Link’ icon. This action triggers the system to send a password reset link to the provided email address.
  1. Open your email inbox and look for the message containing the password reset link.
  1. Click on the link provided in the email. This link will redirect you to the necessary page for resetting your password.
  1. Follow the instructions on the page to reset your password. You may need to input a new password that meets the specified criteria.
  1. After successfully resetting your password, log in to your NASIMS account using the new password.
  1. Go through your profile to ensure that all necessary information is accurate.

By following these steps, you should be able to reset and recover your password on the NASIMS portal. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to ask us in the comment box below!

Validate Your N-power Nasims Account


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