Collateral Loans on Property in Nigeria + Lenders in 2024

If you’re considering getting a loan in Nigeria, you might have come across the term “collateral loans.” Collateral refers to something valuable that you offer to the lender as security for the loan. In this article, we will simplify the concept of collateral, particularly focusing on property loans, how they work, and which lenders accept land as collateral.

Collateral loans on property in Nigeria

A collateral loan on property in Nigeria, also known as a secured loan, involves providing an asset as security for borrowed money. Commonly, property such as land, houses, or real estate serves as collateral for these loans.

When you apply for and secure a collateral loan on property, you essentially pledge your property as a guarantee to the lender. In return, the lender disburses a loan amount based on the assessed value of your property. If, for any reason, you fail to repay the loan according to the agreed terms, the lender has the right to take possession of your property to recover the borrowed amount.

Lenders that accept land as collateral in Nigeria

In Nigeria, several lenders accept land as collateral for loans. Here are some categories of lenders, along with specific examples:


Banks are widely recognized as the primary institutions providing loans with property collateral in Nigeria. Numerous commercial banks across the country offer loans that require property, this can include land, houses, cars, and other real estate, as collateral. Some of the well-known banks that extend such loan services include:

  • Access Bank — Offers mortgage loans that may accept land as collateral.
  • First Bank of Nigeria — Provides mortgage loans allowing the use of property, including land, as collateral.
  • Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) — Known for offering mortgage loans, may accept land as collateral.

Mortgage Institutions

Mortgage institutions are legally recognized loan entities specializing in loans related to property and may consider land as collateral. These institutions play a crucial role in facilitating property-based financing. Some notable mortgage institutions in Nigeria include:

  • Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) — Focuses on mortgage financing and provides loans secured by land and property.
  • Nigeria Mortgage Refinance Company (NMRC) — Collaborates with primary mortgage lenders to offer property-based loans.

Microfinance Banks

Microfinance banks, such as LAPO Microfinance Bank and Accion Microfinance Bank, may consider land as collateral for loans.

Private Lenders

Some private lenders and lending platforms might also consider land as collateral. Ensure these entities are reputable and registered with relevant authorities before engaging with them.

Note: Loan availability and terms may vary, so it’s important to contact the specific lender for the most current information. Exercise caution when dealing with private lenders and make sure you verify their credentials.

Using land as collateral for a loan

Collateral loans on property, especially those involving land, can be a valuable financial tool for achieving goals in Nigeria, such as investing in real estate, expanding your business, or meeting personal financial needs. However, approach these loans with careful consideration and due diligence.

Before using your land as collateral for a loan, it’s essential to carefully consider the following critical factors:

  1. Property Valuation:
    • Lenders typically require a professional appraisal of your land to determine its accurate market value. This valuation will directly impact the loan amount you can secure.
  2. Loan Terms:
    • Loan terms can vary significantly between lenders, including interest rates, repayment periods, and eligibility criteria. It’s crucial to compare these terms across different lenders to find the most favorable conditions that meet your financial needs.
  3. Repayment Plan:
    • Establish a realistic and clear repayment plan. Understand the consequences of defaulting on the loan, as failure to meet the repayment obligations could result in the loss of your land.
  4. Legal Advice:
    • Before finalizing any loan agreement that involves your property, seek legal counsel. A legal professional can help you thoroughly understand the terms, conditions, and potential risks, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Taking these factors into account can help you make a well-informed decision and protect your valuable asset.

In case you forgot the details in this post, let me remind you once again:

Lender Selection — Research and compare lenders to find one with terms aligned with your financial objectives. Choose a reputable and licensed lender.

Property Valuation — Ensure your land is professionally valued for an accurate assessment, determining your loan amount.

Loan Terms — Understand specific terms, including interest rates, repayment schedules, and eligibility criteria. Choose a package that suits your financial capacity and needs.

Repayment Plan — Create a well-thought-out repayment plan before committing to the loan. Ensure you can meet obligations to protect your property.

Legal Counsel — Seek legal advice to review the loan agreement and fully comprehend its implications. Legal guidance helps safeguard your interests.


Using your land as collateral is a financial decision with benefits and risks. Responsible borrowing and diligent financial planning are very important. Stay informed about changes in lending regulations and market conditions in Nigeria for a secure financial future.

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