Zenith Bank Reversal Code & Dispense Error – How to Reverse

If you have a Zenith Bank account in Nigeria, you might have faced issues like these: accidentally sending money to the wrong account, experiencing problems with a Zenith Bank ATM, or noticing unauthorized deductions from your account. These situations can be stressful, but knowing how to handle them can make a big difference. That’s why in this post, we are going to know the zenith bank reversal code to help you reverse any transaction.

Zenith bank reversal code

The Zenith Bank reversal code is there to help you correct specific transaction errors on your account. It acts as a safety net, ensuring you can rectify mistakes and combat issues like online scams. This code is incredibly useful in various scenarios where transactions don’t go as planned.

Last year, I faced a frustrating situation while paying my monthly bills. I accidentally transferred money to the wrong account. It took me almost an entire day at the bank to resolve this mistake. If I had known about the Zenith Bank reversal code, it would have saved me a lot of trouble. This code is very important for addressing transaction errors quickly and effectively.

When to Use the Reversal Code

You should consider using the Zenith Bank reversal code in the following situations:

  • Mistakenly Transferring Money — If you accidentally send money to the wrong account.
  • ATM Dispense Errors — When you encounter an error while using a Zenith Bank ATM.
  • Unauthorized Deductions — If you notice any unauthorized deductions from your account.
  • Other Transaction Issues — For any other transaction-related problems that need correction.

How to Reverse a Transaction on Zenith Bank

Reversing a transaction with Zenith Bank is straightforward. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Contact Zenith Bank Customer Care: The first step is to reach out to Zenith Bank’s customer care representative whenever you encounter an account-related issue.
  2. Provide Necessary Information: You will need to provide details such as the transaction reference number, the recipient’s account number (if applicable), and any other relevant information.
  3. Confirm the Reversal: After you submit the necessary information, the customer care representative will confirm your reversal request. If your request meets Zenith Bank’s criteria, they will initiate the reversal process.
  4. Wait for Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation message once the reversal process is complete. Be patient, as the time it takes to resolve the issue may vary depending on the nature of the transaction.

By following these steps, you can efficiently handle transaction errors and ensure your banking experience with Zenith Bank is as smooth as possible.

Zenith bank dispense error

A dispense error at a Zenith Bank ATM happens when you attempt to withdraw money, but the machine fails to dispense the cash while still debiting your account. This situation can be quite frustrating, but knowing the steps to resolve it can help you manage the issue effectively.

Steps to Take After a Dispense Error

  1. Stay at the ATM: Do not leave the ATM immediately, even if there is a queue. Sometimes, the machine might correct itself, and the debited amount could be automatically reversed.
  2. Check Your Account Balance: Verify your account balance through mobile banking, an app, or another ATM to confirm if the debited amount matches the cash you received, if any.
  3. Contact Zenith Bank: Report the issue to Zenith Bank’s customer service immediately. Provide them with detailed information, including the ATM’s location, the date and time of the transaction, and the amount involved.
  4. Keep Your Receipt: If the ATM provided a receipt, keep it as evidence of the transaction. This can be crucial in supporting your claim.
  5. Follow Up: Zenith Bank will investigate the issue. If they confirm the error, your account will be credited with the correct amount. Ensure you follow up with the bank if necessary to stay informed about the status of your complaint.

Alternatively, you can download the Zenith Bank dispense error form from their website, fill it out, and submit it to any Zenith Bank branch. This form will require similar details about the transaction, so make sure you have all relevant information on hand.


Errors and mistakes can occur, even with reputable banks like Zenith Bank. It’s important to know how to handle these situations. Acting promptly and providing detailed information to Zenith Bank’s customer service can facilitate a quick resolution. Remember, your money is valuable, and Zenith Bank is committed to assisting you in resolving any issues.

By following these steps, you can ensure that dispense errors are handled efficiently, minimizing inconvenience and protecting your finances.