Central Bank of Nigeria – History, Functions, Structure 2024

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is important for our country’s financial matters. Let’s go through its history, functions, structure, and management.

History of the Central Bank of Nigeria

In colonial Nigeria, there was no control over the banking industry, allowing financial institutions to grow rapidly without regulation. The West African Currency Board oversaw currency supply, but it lacked effective control.

Due to banking failures and a failed ordinance, the need for order and safety became apparent. An inquiry by G.D. Paton in 1958 led to the creation of the Central Bank of Nigeria Act, establishing the foundation of the current apex bank.

As Nigeria expanded, so did the CBN. In 1978, the CBN Act was amended to grant more autonomy. The challenging economic times in the 1980s, marked by declining oil prices, required the CBN to stabilize the economy.

The CBN took measures to ensure banking safety, such as introducing the Bank Verification Number (BVN) system in 2005.

Functions of the Central Bank of Nigeria

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has essential functions aimed at managing the country’s economy. Governed by the CBN Act of 2007, it regulates and oversees the financial system, ensuring stability and preventing economic crises. Here are some key mandates.

Ensure Monetary and Price Stability

The CBN works to maintain stable market prices and low inflation in Nigeria. By implementing effective monetary policies, it aims to prevent economic downturns that can lead to increased interest rates, inflation, and higher living costs.

Issue Legal Tender Currency in Nigeria

The CBN is responsible for distributing the national currency (Naira) across the country, ensuring an adequate supply of cash for various financial activities.

Maintain External Reserves

The CBN holds external reserves to safeguard the international value of the legal tender currency. This measure helps maintain the strength and reliability of the national currency in the global market.

External reserves, comprising foreign assets like cash, treasury bills, and stocks, serve as a financial buffer for the country. The Central Bank of Nigeria ensures these reserves are available for various activities, managing them through prudent debt and foreign exchange practices. A healthy reserve is vital for the country’s ability to engage in foreign trade.

Promote a Sound Financial System

The central bank works towards fostering a robust and secure financial system within Nigeria. This includes regulating and supervising banks and other financial institutions to promote their stability and reliability. . It contributes to the stability and trustworthiness of the country’s financial institutions.

Act as a Banker and Provide Economic Advice

The CBN serves as a banker to the Federal Government of Nigeria, offering financial services and providing economic advice. This role contributes to the government’s effective management of economic matters.

These activities, subject to strict regulations, involve managing government funds, providing advice, and overseeing economic matters. The Central Bank adapts to technological advancements, contributing to economic growth and meeting the evolving needs of the country.

Structure of the Central Bank of Nigeria

Have you ever wondered how the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is set up? Let’s take a look at how it’s organized and how it works.

Leadership Team

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is organized with a leadership team ensuring smooth operations. At the top is the Governor, the top authority. Supporting the Governor are four Deputy Governors and ten Directors, each overseeing various aspects of the CBN’s functions.

Different Departments

The CBN comprises several departments organized into directorates, functioning like teams. These directorates include Corporate Services, Economic Policy, Financial System Stability, Operations, and Governor’s Directorates. In simpler terms, these correspond to the Banking Supervision, Money Regulation Rules, Printing/Minting Money, and Customer Protections departments.

Money Rules Team

The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is a key group responsible for formulating money regulatory rules for Nigeria. This committee consists of the Governor, Deputy Governors, and individuals appointed by the President.

Money Printing

The Currency Department manages the creation and oversight of money, ensuring an adequate supply for various transactions in the country. Their responsibility is to ensure the availability of sufficient currency for public use.

Monitoring Banks

The Banking Supervision Department plays a crucial role in ensuring that banks and other financial institutions adhere to established rules. This oversight is essential for maintaining the safety of everyone’s money.

Including Everyone

The Customer Protections Department is dedicated to ensuring widespread access to financial services. They work on projects to increase the accessibility of banking services to a broader population.

Branches Everywhere

The Central Bank of Nigeria is not confined to a single location; it has offices throughout Nigeria, including major cities. These offices facilitate effective communication with people and banks across different regions, supporting the CBN in its mission.

Money-Related Matters

A specific group manages money-related issues such as trading and interest rates. This team plays a crucial role in regulating the circulation of money and ensuring stability in financial matters.

Management of the Central Bank of Nigeria

Knowing how the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is run helps us understand how it gets things done. Let’s see how it is managed.

The CBN Governor

The Governor is at the helm of the CBN, appointed by the President of Nigeria. This individual makes significant decisions regarding monetary policies, bank safety, and other crucial matters related to the economy.

The Helpers

Assisting the Governor are four Deputy Governors, each with a specific role:

  • One oversees money rules for economic stability.
  • Another manages human resources and administrative matters.
  • One ensures banks adhere to regulations for the safety of money.
  • The last one handles aspects like money printing and maintaining an adequate cash supply.

Department Heads

Directors head various departments such as Banking Supervision, Money Regulatory Rules, and Currency Related Matters. Their responsibility is to ensure the smooth functioning of their respective areas.

Money Regulatory Rules Team

The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is vital, consisting of the Governor, Deputy Governors, and individuals appointed by the President. They convene to decide on monetary rules, including interest rates and money supply.

All Around the Country

The CBN operates in various locations across Nigeria, including the capital city, Abuja. These offices facilitate communication with banks and individuals in different regions.

Working Together

Collaboration is key at the CBN, where everyone works collectively to safeguard money and strengthen the country’s economy. They prioritize fairness and transparency in their operations.

Being Open and Honest

The CBN values transparency and openness, sharing reports and information with the public. This includes decisions made by the MPC and updates on economic conditions, ensuring everyone is informed about the state of the country’s finances.


The Central Bank of Nigeria plays a vital role in keeping our money safe and helping the country grow. The Governor, along with Deputy Governors, Directors, and the Monetary Policy Committee, work together to make our financial system strong and our economy healthy. Their commitment to transparency and teamwork is key to ensuring a prosperous and stable future for Nigeria.

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