Names of Old Banks in Nigeria & the Year They Started

Our country’s banking world has been around for a while. Lots of banks have popped up over the years, and some of them have been around for ages. These old banks have seen Nigeria grow and change, and they’ve been big players in making our economy stronger. In this post, we are going to go through the names of old banks in Nigeria and the year they started.

Imagine a long time ago, when banks were just starting in Nigeria. Back then, a few banks came into being. These banks have stuck around through thick and thin, and their names are still familiar to us today.

These old banks aren’t just names on a list. They’ve done a lot for Nigeria. They helped build the country by providing financial support to businesses and people. From giving loans for new projects to helping people

Then think about how important money is to a country. These old banks have been like pillars, holding up Nigeria’s finances.

They’ve supported growth by lending money to start businesses, making it easier for people to buy the things they need, and helping with big projects that have made our country better.

Over the years, things have changed a lot. Some of these old banks have merged with others or changed their names. Despite these changes, they’ve kept their commitment to helping Nigeria’s economy grow stronger.

Understanding the names of these old banks helps us appreciate the efforts and contributions they’ve made to our nation’s growth. They’re not just banks; they’re part of our history, our progress, and our future. Below are names of old banks in Nigeria.

Names of Old Banks in Nigeria

First Bank of Nigeria Plc (FBN)

This bank is often called FirstBank and it’s like the grand father of all Nigerian banks! It began way back in 1894 as the Bank of British West Africa.

Imagine, that’s more than a hundred years ago! FirstBank has been a big deal in Nigeria’s money matters since then. It’s helped loads of people and businesses with their money needs.

Union Bank of Nigeria Plc

Union Bank, originally known as Colonial Bank, has been around since 1917. Back in 1925, it became Barclays Bank DCO (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas). Now, it’s part of Union Bank of Nigeria, and it’s been an important bank in Nigeria, helping out with banking activities and making the country stronger.

Wema Bank Plc

This bank, once called Agbonmagbe Bank, started in 1945. Wema Bank has a good history of lending a hand with money for Nigerians and giving a boost to our country’s growth.

United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA)

UBA began in 1949 as the British and French Bank. Since then, it’s become one of the top banks in Nigeria, offering all sorts of money services to people and businesses.

Zenith Bank Plc

Zenith Bank is a bit younger compared to the others. It kicked off in 1990, even though it’s newer, it’s grown super quickly and become a big shot in Nigerian banking. People like it for being smart with new ideas and making customers happy.

African Banking Corporation (ABC)

This bank started way back in 1892, just a some years before First Bank. It was important during the time of the British rule and even after Nigeria became independent. It did a lot to help people with banking when it wasn’t common.

National Bank of Nigeria

Started in 1933, the National Bank of Nigeria was a commercial bank that played a big part in making Nigeria’s economy stronger. It helped the country’s growth for a long time.

African Continental Bank (ACB)

The African Continental Bank began in 1947, providing banking services to Nigerians. It was a well known bank and helped a lot of people with their money needs.

Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria

This bank started its journey in Nigeria in 1969. Since then, it’s been offering all kinds of banking and financial services to both regular people and businesses.

Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank)

GTBank, established in 1990, is one of Nigeria’s big shots now! Even though it’s relatively young compared to others, it’s become more popular by coming up with new and smart banking ideas.

Access Bank Plc

Founded in 1989, Access Bank has grown to become one of the largest banks in Nigeria. It offers a wide range of money services to help people manage their finances better.

Sterling Bank Plc

This bank, previously known as NAL Bank, started in 1960. It’s been around for quite a while, providing financial services and supporting different parts of Nigeria’s economy.

Fidelity Bank Plc

Started in 1988, Fidelity Bank quickly became a big deal in Nigeria’s financial world. It’s known for being an important bank in the country.

Ecobank Nigeria

In 1986, Ecobank Nigeria became part of the Ecobank Group. Since then, it’s been busy offering lots of different banking and financial services to people in Nigeria.

Stanbic IBTC Bank

Established in 1989, Stanbic IBTC Bank has grown to be a major player in Nigeria’s banking sector. It offers many different financial products and services to its customers.


These banks have been a huge deal in Nigeria for a long time. They’ve supported people and businesses, making sure money moves around the country and helps it grow. Each of these banks has a unique story, but they’ve all been part of Nigeria’s journey to where it is today.

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